(561) 840-1825

Most of today’s pole lighting for parking lots and street lighting are HID (high intensity discharge) type of lighting. The main difference in these types of light fixtures is either Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium with Metal Halide being the majority. The wattage of the lamps varies from 175-watts through 1,000-watts. Some of the lamps are medium base while most are mogul base lamps. There are also lamps know as pulse start lamps. All lamps must be properly matched to the ballast and capacitor. The pattern of the light will differ depending on the height and the reflector.

The average life span of these lamps is between 30 and 36 months. When lamps are discarded, according to Florida State Law, they must be recycled.

The ballast and capacitor is what drives the lamp and they will need to be periodically replaced. Pole lights are usually controlled by a photo cell, a time clock, a contactor, or any combination of these. A bucket truck is typically used when working on this type of lighting for connivance and safety.

When these lights are serviced by a properly trained technician using a well stocked bucket truck the expenses can be kept to a minimum. There are liability issues in public places that are best avoided by keeping certain areas well illuminated and maintained.

PIE Superior Service as well as PI Electric has an excellent reputation for servicing this type of lighting for the past 35-years on the East and West coasts of Florida. Call us today at (239) 489-0531 or (561) 840-1825